Pieter De Hooch 17th century Gilt Leather Interiors

Pieter De Hooch

A remarkable painter of Dutch interior scenes of the 17th century.

He is often compared to Vermeer or at least mentioned in the same phrase, De Hooch being 3 years older than Vermeer.

However Vermeer’s paintings are more emotional. Vermeer is a master in  creating an atmosphere, the interior being an accessory to help express the feelings he brushes down so delicately.

De Hooch is more precise, making the interior communicate with the exterior by opening doors and windows, using tiled floors to accentuate the perspective. The interior scene an elegant way to allow painting elaborated surroundings.

Before 1660 De Hooch lived in Delft there he painted middle class interior scenes.
When he moved to Amsterdam his clientele being wealthier the interiors reflect this. High ceilings, rich furniture, paintings on the walls, elaborated tapestries and indeed gilt leather

  Pieter de hoogh Merry Company 1664 1-19-10

Pieter de hooch interior-with-figures 1664 .jpg!Large


Theses paintings were painted around 1664


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